FREE sessions for Students of all catagory on SATURDAY.
Meditation can give you all positive vibes if you do it in a proper manner. It can give you confidence and power of concentration in your studies. Self Esteem is one of the most important points in once life. We help students to build confidence through various way meditations.
And so, it’s FREE for all category of students from various schools, colleges and institutions.
We conduct audio-visual and live sessions through various activities like; individual activity, group activity, group discussion, game, skit etc in schools and colleges.
Workshops are conducted on various topics for all catagory (students and parents).
Personal counselling:
We have observed that many students cannot do well in their studies just because the problem lies somewhere else. We help our students not only in studies but also on a personal basis to grow.
We conduct sessions on;
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program)
- Building a Positive Self Image
- Interpersonal Relationship
- Feelings: Fear, Anger
- Motivation
- Self Esteem